Tuesday 10 February 2015

Nanny Ina's antique doll

Nanny Ina's doll from the early 1900's.

Inel sent me these extracts from a letter that she has from Mom.

She writes to Inel about her new passion, doll making, 'This is something I have always wanted to do.'

She went to lessons with Rosemary down on the South Coast and even though she was already battling with her cancer and getting very frail, she made a doll for Shawni, Doreen, Inel and myself.

They are quite beautiful, hand painted and Mom made the clothes for the dolls too.

Her letter mentions that 'the baby is a soft one (stuffed)', that is the doll she was working on for Shawni.

I have the box in which Mom packed her antique doll she inherited from Nanny Ina and she mentions in the letter that she had wanted to restore it.

The box is under the stairs here at home, with the doll still wrapped as Mom left it.

I have it in safe keeping for whoever will have the interest to do the restoration. Doreen and Inel, maybe one of our girls will pick up the responsibility?

I took one look at all the fragile pieces, even the rather creepy eyes, the clothing fine and worn, took some photos and very quickly rewrapped it all and packed it away again.

Too intimidating, no wonder Mom was looking for a 'doll lady' to help with the restoration.

She mentions in the letter that the antique doll dates from the early 1900's and 25 years ago it was valued at R2500.00.

As much as this antique doll is a special inheritance for us girls; the dolls Mom made are even more so. I have photos from Shawni, Doreen and Inel of their dolls. Looking at the four dolls I am so mindful of her wonderful legacy, her creativity and drive to made beautiful things, which she did her throughout her life.

Just so precious.

A special inheritance from Mom, her hand made dolls, Doreen's doll on the left and Inel's on the right.
Shawni with her doll made by Mom and mine on the right.

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