Wednesday 7 January 2015

A car called "Spook"

It's late October 1986 in Marly-le-Roi, the days are mostly grey, the weather is getting cooler, with drizzle and wind, and I write that 'the garden looks like a jungle, leaves everywhere, uncut grass, will have to do something soon. But have no lawn-mower or tools here.'

My letter fills Mom in on the bits and pieces of my weeks.
A visit to a dentist. My teeth became a problem soon after Barry was born, the pregnancies took their toll, I had called the American Hospital in Paris for a referral on an English speaking dentist.
Fred's travels. He was in Dublin and I sent him looking for peanut butter and Marmite for me!
French lessons. I am barely managing my classes but working through my textbooks at home.
Shopping for winter and sending Doreen a polo for her birthday.
The kids. Barry's food routine, seeing the doctor for his injection, I seem lost because I cannot find gems and butternut to cook for him, so feeding him on Purity. Shawni making mischief at the Halte Garderie and launching herself out of her cot. Early warning about her adventurous spirit like launching herself out of aeroplanes!

The big news is buying a little car for me, we may have christened her Spook but very quickly she became Ma Poubelle, my dustbin.

This is one of my favourite photos from our time in France. 
It shows my hard working VW Polo with its crazy black and white checked fabric, two carseats in the back. Two babies, dressed for the Arctic, dummies in place and the boot would have been full of baby paraphernalia. Shawni already trendy in her wellies and scarf. 
Getting ready each day, whether for a trip to the Halte Garderie, or shopping or sight-seeing, was a feat.

PS: I am reading a later letter and I have sketched a 'cagoule', I see Shawni is wearing one in the photo, 'they work like a bomb'. 
I should try and see if I can find a knitting pattern online.

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