Tuesday 16 August 2016

The story of a Housemaid a London House, Ventnor, Isle of Wight

Finding London House in Ventnor where my great, great Grandmother was a Housemaid
I have come to the Isle of Wight and to Ventnor specifically to find traces of my mother's maternal line. My Nan, Nellie Winifred van der Veen, (nee Argyle), was born here. 

During my ancestral research Ann Sibbick's story completely captured my imagination. After growing up in Ryde, the 1851 Census shows her in service as a Housemaid at London House, Ventnor, working for a Elizabeth Briant a Wine Merchant.

Ann, goes onto marry John Argyle and she is my great, great grandmother.

1851 Census, a 20 year old Ann Sibbick is a Housemaid at London House.
Fred and I went into the Heritage Society in Ventnor and met Jeff, I shared the story with him and asked for help in tracing London House. He was fabulous, he spent the day researching all the historical documents, followed a few leads and worked out the story of London House!

It was right under our nose, a building in High Street, Ventnor developed by Elizabeth Briant's father-in-law, that you can see from the Society's office! The deli called The Kitchen@London House is at the centre of the building. We popped into the deli and met the owner who used the name London House because the previous owner had used it in their address too. The dentist offices next door have retained the original sweeping staircase. I was so thrilled!

So thrilled to find London House, chatting to the Deli owner about the history and going up the original stairs, now a dentist's rooms.
High Street, Ventnor in 1880's


  1. Love your story - delighted that we were able to help you! Lesley Telford (Secretary, Ventnor & District Local History Society)

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