Hottest days of August; name is taken from the Great Dog (Canis Major) constellation and one of its stars: Sirius (which is brightest star of summer sky). Exactly first two weeks of August sun enters constellation of Canis Major. Hence the expression: Dog Days.
I have put the kids down for a morning sleep and sit quietly somewhere to write my letter home with all the news and plans.
We have bought piles of Michelin Guides, maps and I copy out one of the maps and give my mother a quick geography lesson, 'as Inel would say once a teacher always a teacher'

Normandy is highlighted and I tell her of our plans to travel over the August long weekend to the Calvados region. X on the map is where I have managed to find a flat adjacent to a hotel for the friday night even though it is peak season.
The geography lesson continues, with information about Normandy, its beauty, its cheese, cider, diary and even a quick cooking lesson about 'a la Normandie' which means cooking with cream.
Mom would either have loved all of this or been bemused.
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