And of course, with cheese was baguette. Bliss.
Once we had set up home at 2 ave Corneille my letters start to free up, I seem to be in a rhythm, managing the children and the home, starting my French lessons and getting about on my own.
Sally Denison played a key role during this time. They lived in Le Pecq not far from us and I was absorbing so much from her about how things were done in Paris in those years. I also noticed how she shopped for fresh food and how she put her meals together. Always fresh, always simple, always delicious, I was always a little in awe of her.
I mention in an earlier letter that that she cooks very well. I had cooked a chicken while we were unpacking and was going to have it cold, 'she decided that wasn't good enough so made a baby marrow soufflé to go with it. Even over the weekend she would pop in to help and kept on bringing food, a lovely turkey and veggie broth.' Thank you Sally.
My cooking years were starting.
My letter, in green ink, to the family on the 28 September, shares my first attempt at a dinner party in our new place. There were 6 of us, John and Sally and John's son Mark out from the UK with his girlfriend.
'I worked all day on the menu.'
- Salade de Chèvre: baguette with melted goats cheese on a bed of leaves and radish flowers
- Paella
- Crepe suzettes, flambéed at the table with Cointreau .....
I recognise that starter! And now how wonderful I've picked up your foodie habits :-)