Sunday 14 December 2014

Tap Water and a trip to Versailles

Barry - 'little monkey' with diahorea and sleep patterns still erratic
The letter made me smile at my naivety, I had been making formula bottles for the kids using tap water, 'they both have very bad runny tummies and I was most concerned about Barry. Sally was horrified to hear that I was using tap-water. No one in Paris uses it for kids, they all buy water - how about that.' 

My first exposure to buying water. 

The tone of my letter is more relaxed, I am enjoying being with the kids, I mention Shawni is back to 'normal' which refers to her reverting to baby behaviour after Barry was born like wanting a bottle when he got one. I describe her as sweet and talking beautifully. 

We are still using the rental car the firm provided and waiting for the company car, a Renault 21, I proudly write 'I am getting familiar with the area where we are staying, even nipping around in the car on my own.'

Fred is having French lessons and handling all the tremendous amount of paperwork while I recognise me; looking at the fantastic shops in St Germain en Laye, having a coffee in an open air cafe and sightseeing. 

Fred organised a system for transporting both kids on the one buggy, I even sketched it for Mom.

We spent the sunday of the Bastille Day weekend at Versailles enjoying the perfectly symmetrical gardens of hedges and trees, the show of  spring flowers and the views across the Seine into Paris. 

I sent Mom this photo of Shawni feeding the swans and write 'all the little chap does is sleep during the day'. 

And why not Barry was not even two month's old....

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