'Barry serious as usual' |

They were a soft leather ankle boot with a velcro strap. I was so taken with the baby clothes and shoes in France but mostly they felt a luxury, but I could not resist these baby boots.
I have made a promise to self that when I have my first grandchild, I am going shopping during the January winter sales in Paris to buy baby and children's clothing. Michelle and I had a sneak preview some years back when I went to INSEAD in Fountainbleau, I dragged her around the gorgeous stores and we window shopped.
I am so ready, credit card in hand, ticket waiting to be bought...
I kept the little boots safe after Barry outgrew them, brought them back with me from France and a few years ago I took them out of the drawer and had them bronzed. Barry has one which even has his tiny red and white stripped sock in it.
There is a lampshade in the background of the photo of me with Barry. Its copper, a gift from Fred's parents. So I had the second little boot done in copper for me, it stands with this lamp in the TV room at home and I see it daily.
Shotgun the first grandchild! :-) hahahahaha