Tuesday 16 December 2014

We are legal in France

My Carte de Sejour, or residence permit was handled at the Prefecture in Versailles. Writing from the Halte Garderie on the 19 August, we had had interviews, handed in paperwork and voila, but the process was done by the Personnel Officer from Telemecanique. I must have been clueless.

I am wondering what my Mom made of this latest letter. Motherhood is getting on top of me and even though I am a 30 year old woman, this little girl, not even 2 years old has me whinging to my mother.

Goodness me, I feel like shaking my younger self, relax and enjoy your children. But, a place to call home matters to me, we were still squatting in a temporary home, all I remember it looked like a Swiss Chalet, it was difficult being cooped up in someone else's home with young babies.

The only quiet spot in the open plan noisy wooden chalet was the vestibule of the downstairs toilet and I would wheel Barry in there to try get him to sleep.

I also do not understand customs and routines of my 'ville' never mind not speaking French. I take a walk to Marly's quaint old village for coffee while the kids are adjusting to the Halte Garderie and it is shuttered up for the holiday month, so I then traipse to a rather unattractive functional centre called Les Grand Terre and have coffee in a smoky bar, finish my letter, post it and walk back for the kids.

I am however excited about buying our vacuum cleaner, fridge and washing machine; 'it's like Christmas in the middle of the year.' 

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