Saturday 20 September 2014

Quick scan of the wallet letters and they start with congratulations and end in sadness.

A quick scan of the letters. 
They span a period from September 1959 to June 1966.
The oldest is dated 22 - 9 - 59 sent by Nanny Ina to my parents, from the family home in Bloemfontein, 12 Marquard Crescent.

And the final letter from Grandpa Percy dated 14 June 1966.

Tears are just behind my eyes and blurring the screen, I will came back to the detail in another blog. These are letters written in the last years of their lives.
 Nanny Ina (1898 - 1962) and Grandpa Percy ((1889 - 1966). 

I can see from the dates that Pa takes over letter writing from 1963 after Nanny Ina's death and drops the folks a couple of pages, in his bold, open handwriting. 

This set of letters starts with a congratulations.

My mother would have written of her pregnancy and Nanny Ina is 'pleased to hear your news - get busy now my dear there will be plenty to do I am sure'.

His letter of the 26 September '63 he shares 'with Ralph and I alone, there is not much fun, if one was fully occupied it would help to overcome the loneliness, a home without a Mrs is terrible.'

The final letter is a thank you letter for 'pyjamas, and good wishes for my birthday' that Grandpa Percy received from the folks.

It is tough for me to finish this post.

Deep breath.

My Grandfather shot himself soon after this letter. It was kept from me for many decades and it sits with me like a stone at the bottom of my heart.
It is a horror to me as he seems to have set a pattern for gun suicides in my family.

1 comment:

  1. I think the letters in Grump's wallet will be very telling and interesting as to which ones were kept i.e. which part of the family history did Grumps think you needed to know to bring back the past? Love you!
