Saturday 20 September 2014

The Brown Wallet of Letters

I have two sisters, Inel and  Doreen. They have left me this wonderful project to document our family history through this letter project.

It's a cooler, grey spring morning here in Johannesburg and I am hoping for our first summer rains. I have put Mom's Bowersburn Princess box aside and have taken out a beautifully worn brown wallet to explore.

The lefthand side of the wallet has letters and in the right side are two carefully folded handkerchiefs. In the front pocket is a 1960 black and white photo of Nanny Ina (my paternal grandmother) holding my 4 month old brother Clive and myself age 5.

Along with a brief note from my father, John Ennis Wedderburn, dated January 1993.

An invitation to read what is in his wallet; to bring back the past.

These are letters from his mother and father. Ina and Percy Wedderburn of Bloemfontein.

A quote from my current book club read so resonates with me.... 'she saw the past everywhere she looked, as if it were a layer of reality just beneath the present.' 
The Garden of Burning Sand, Corban Addison.

I am loving my readiness to evoke the past, it feels just the right timing.

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